Dylan Oldham - Lead Guitar

Recent transplant from NYC who has been playing and teaching music for nearly two decades. Loves all things rock and jazz, but mellow surf music has been an influence on him since he was young and growing up in the heart of surf music country, Southern California  

Christopher Marshall - bass

curt pleiss - drums and recording engineer

The youngest of the group, a Tucson local, and a chemist by trade. Chris first learned to play the electric bass, but he also loves to play guitar and piano and enjoys playing rock, blues, and singer songwriter type music. Now he has taken on the role of being a surf bassist.

Recent transplant from Denver with a wealth of experience in many different genres. He’s previously only dabbled in surf music, but is diving in head first on this project. Curt also has a small recording studio called Ocotillo Audio where he does drum tracking and mixing for remote clients, and where Desert Undertones does all its recording.  

Desert Undertones is an instrumental surf rock band from Tucson, AZ. Their sound is rooted in classic 60’s surf and further shaped by artists riding the wave of surf music resurgence after the release of the movie Pulp Fiction. They blend it with a side of spaghetti western, a touch of latin, and the requisite dose of moody, reverb-drenched tones to create their own contribution to the surf music spectrum.